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(123) 555-6789


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FREE Security  System* ($925 value!)

3 Door/Window Sensors

1 Motion Sensor

1 Keychain Remote

or 6 Free Door/Window Sensors

*With monitoring agreement and $99 activation fee.

Home Security
starting at just


Home Automation Features Available Include..

Arm & Disarm System. Lock & Unlock Doors.

Control Thermostats, Lights & Small Appliances.

Visual verification when someone enters the home. 

Peek-In on the nanny, children, pets or employees.

Notifications when system is armed, disarmed etc.

Police, Fire & Medical Panics

Free apps & remote access to account

Backup Battery, Siren, Lawn Sign & Decals

Professional Installation, Parts & Labor Warranty

Upto 20% Discount on Homeowners Insurance